This Blog Has No Description

Apparently, we have to say something about what we do from time to time. Over the years, I have taught many different courses at the George Washington University on many different subjects that have shared a common methodology, a common set of ideas, a common approach to the world. This is a blog for students and former students of those common ideas to keep in touch with me, to share their thoughts, to contribute their thoughts. I will update it weekly or as events demand.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Podcast on Crowd Sourcing

I have just discovered, much to my surprise, that I am an expert on Crowd Sourcing. Who Knew? I have been asked to speak twice this fall on the subject. The first time is next week at a conference in London. It looks as if it is going to have a broad audience and hence, I am looking forward to it.

I've just completed a podcast of my talk. It is illustrated, as I have acquired new software. We will see how well it is received.